
pledge aclu wants 2003 by asay11 views

pledge ca courts goal 2005 by stantis11 views

pledge ca court version of free speech 2005 by wright9 views

pledge defending the rights 2013 by breen10 views

pledge flag and constitution in case of fire read this 2008 by mccoy0 views

pledge godless infidels 2004 by fairrington9 views

pledge how todays children have to say the pledge of allegiance in a godless christian hating demoncrap owned public school 2002 by summers2 views

pledge how to say it today 2004 by bish10 views

pledge least of worrys 2003 by mike smith10 views

pledge more battle to come 2004 by gorrell10 views

pledge moses stay away from 11th district court 2004 by wright10 views

pledge no one is forcing anything 2004 by koterba10 views